2 Days Early but who cares right? I am thinking about it now, and her appointment isn't until the 23rd (!!), so here it goes...
At 15 months...
Lacey is a BIG helper. She wants to do almost everything I do. She can put her clothes away, retrieve socks or lotion for me, throw away diapers or other garbage, put away toys etc. Its fun having a little helper.
She loves walking around with a Starbucks cup pretending to drink coffee. My kind of girl.
She is FINALLY sleeping without her Pekemoe Sack. That was a long time coming, but its so nice to not have to think about it anymore!
Favorite Foods are: peas, carrots, green beans, any fruit, oatmeal, pancakes, life cereal, cheese, and milk. She would live off of milk if I let her...
Dislikes: eggs and any sort of meat
Teeth: 8
Naps: once a day for about 2 hours. Goes to bed at 7:30 and is up at 7:15.
Still in size 4 diapers and we have lots of growing room
Wears 12-18 month clothing. Still has a few 6-12 month stuff that somehow fits her, and has a few 18-24 month stuff that also fits her.
Words: she talks a lot, her favorite/most used words right now are: light, mama, dada, baby, bye bye, hi, bunny, dog, more, hat, sock, shoe, eye, nose, milk, and the ever famous "no" We have been working on please for a long time (signing it and saying it) but she looks at me and says no when i try to get her to do it....sigh...
She copies everything we do. (For example, Mike was picking up a heavy box the other day and was grunting while he picked it up. She picks up a toy and grunts while picking it up).
She still has ZERO concept that there is a baby in my belly.
So did you guys switch to disposables? Did your bumgeniuses eventually give out on you? I'm hoping ours last...we still have them on the smallest snap size.
It will be good that she's such a helper when "number 2" comes along. :)
no, we are still using the bumgenius diapers. I can't forsee them lasting for another year or so though! I am definitely seeing the money saving benefits of cloth and just can't bear to give that up!
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