Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

My 4th Mother's Day.

Maybe my 5th, but to be honest I don't count the year Lacey was a baby in my tummy. At the very least I didn't take a Dove Bar at church that Sunday back in 2007.

My first Mother's Day I was alone with Lacey. I dressed her in this cute (dorky) striped pants, matching striped hat, and a onsie that said "my heart belongs to mommy." I loved that outfit, I think I kept it. Just couldn't part with it.

We had just moved to Seattle and Mike was only about 2 weeks into his new job and had to work that day. I remember sitting at home in our furniture-less condo, without a car (cause we had crashed it in Montana), and feeling supremely blessed.

Not much has changed. The blessed part that is.

Today I sat here, and thought what a privilege it is to be able to get them dressed in the morning, make them meals, have them sit with me, and play with them. All those things, those mundane everyday things, that sometimes get old, and sometimes drive me a little bit batty. I get to do them.

A little awestruck that Someone believed me capable of raising these 2 peanuts.

Yes, my heart is full. I am feeling supremely blessed.

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