Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's a Mom "thing"

I think every mom has a thing that she is determined to do with her child. Of course, before becoming a mom I insisted that I would never be the mom who opens food in the grocery store to keep their kid quiet, but alas, I am that mom.

Anyway, I have realized I do have a "thing" and here it is: I will not put a diaper on Lacey unless it is cloth or chlorine free (i.e. Seventh Generation, Generation Baby, or 365 Diapers from Whole Foods). She has not had a Pampers on her since the hospital, and has never seen the likes of a Luvs or Huggies.

Weird Huh?

I don't know why I am so anal about this, I can only assume that when I read about what goes into making diapers it scared me enough to never want to use them.

So, if you are a mom, what is your thing? Is there something that isn't a 'hot topic' (i.e. vaxes, breastfeeding, co-sleeping etc). that you are really passionate about? Some quirky thing you have going for you?

Do share! Do share!


Rose said...

Breastmilk. I'm not sure why I was so psycho about it, and I have encouraged others to formula feed. But I was pretty psycho.

Andrea said...

I'm guilty of opening puffs in the store... oh yeah, and of going to the bulk food aisle and scooping out some craisins for her to munch on (of course, after I weigh the bag) - they always look at me funny when I hand them a nearly empty bag to scan! ha ha!

Stephanie said...

My thing WOULD be breastmilk, but the back to school at 4 weeks with malfunctioning boobs that NEVER EVER give more than 3 oz per pumping session (even when I pump for, say, 40 minutes) means that she had to get some formula. But when I'm around, breastmilk. (By the way, she still takes between 40 and 80 minutes per nursing session. Yes, an hour. Then, two hours later, the same thing. I spend FIVE HOURS A DAY FEEDING HER. But I like it. Not the scheduling, but the nursing itself is amazing. (I also like the bumgenius's too! And I'm anti-cosleeping/pro-vax, just for the record. :)

Anonymous said...

Definitely breastfeeding...but since you said not a hot-topic I'd have to say organic yogurt. They only get "Oh-Baby" yogurt. I really dont know why...
But yeah, I stop by the bakery at the grocery store at the beginning of every shopping trip. Cookies are the only way we get through the store.

Annie said...

oooh, good ones! I guess the organic yogurt is right up there with organic milk, which is another one of my things! I may have been a formula mom through and through, but my girl is getting organic milk. So weird I know!

Annie said...

and steph, i can't believe it still takes her that long! you are a trooper! Good work!