Monday, December 13, 2010

a day in December

Oh, December. It is only the 13th and you have totally and completely outdone yourself. The snow in our entire yard is taller than both of my children, which either will be fantastic for fort building, or really annoying for getting stuck.

We'll worry about which, when the temperature reaches some number over ZERO.

Anyway, on this Saturday we woke up happy because there was A LOT of snow on the ground.

This little thing LOVES snow.

We are a bit sick in this house, please note: water, vitamins, a couple varieties of homeopathic cough syrup, motrin, and probably some other junk thrown in there. Rest assured, we are on the mend.


Lacey decided to get bundled up and head outside while Mike was shoveling. Miles had no interest in going outside!

Here the snow is about 8 inches deep. She is standing on the sidewalk which you can't see. We have a lot more snow to fall!


It's really high up on those legs!


Here is our street in front of the house. It's actually quite a busy road. Not Today!!!

This is our car, we are happy we got it out before the plows came and snowed it in further.


Here is the snow looking in the other direction. It looks pretty bad, but this is not store closing weather quite yet. Yes, Mike was going to head into work.


But, before he went into work, he had to shovel himself out. It took quite a while!


Miles watched from his stool, which was really his potty chair with out the insert thing. Doesn't get him up so high when he is still standing on the ground now does it?

Then Miles decided to build a "fort" His fort was sitting in the rocking horse sideways. I didn't get him while he was actually sitting, he was climbing out. Rats!


Proud of himself (for getting out??) I don't know.

Mike is still shoveling, making little headway.


Later on, Mike had left for work, and Miles was down for a nap, Lacey and I colored.

We pretty much color together

Strawberry Shortcake. Her's is on the left and mine is on the right. She is a rockstar and stays in the lines.


Here she is writing some "L's" on her picture so we know it's hers.

Still snowing.


Miles is up. and SURPRISE!!! Mike came home. They closed the malls. They don't close anything for bad weather here, so you know its really bad when they actually do.

Miles has a shoe fetish. We find Mike's shoes all over our darn house. It's quite obnoxious, but I think he is so cute that I let it slide.

So today he found Mike's boots and LOVED THEM. Although he couldn't actually walk when he put them on. They were too heavy.


After a quick dinner we had baths and then I surprised the kids with Toy Story 2. They love the 1st and the 3rd and I bought them the 2nd for Christmas so I unwrapped it and we all watched it and ate popcorn. A perfect ending to a cold, snowy, blizzardy, day.


And now we are supposed to get more snow.

I am so crabby about this.

Happy Holidays!!

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